Saturday, October 28, 2006


It is that dreaded time again day light saving time. Who ever invented this? What were they thinking? Just as you get use to a schedule and all is well. The children are sleeping when they are suppose to, the dog is sleeping when it's suppose to and finally you can sleep when you are suppose. Then it happens, time to change the time.

I am convinced that the mad man behind this theory was in fact a man one with no children or one that was not engaged with his children. No mom would have done this to another mom.(LOL) We all understand the rare precious commodity that sleep is. Just kidding although it is evident that I value sleep. This spoken from a truly deprived mom with no sleep or I should say the ranting and raving of a deprived mom with no sleep. Which ever it may be I need sleep.......

So of to the land of counting sheep or what ever I need to count to get sleep.

Be blessed and sleep tight...

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