Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Well done

Just wanted to give my husband the best dad and pastor in the universe a shout out.

Honey your the best..... Your a great husband, a great dad, and a wonderful example to our teens everyday. We know how hard you work and the price we pay daily and we love you. I know you often work hard and at times feel unappreciated but we want you to know we think your awesome.

Jay everyday you give 100 percent and you lead with great character. You are a true measure of a man. Shelby still thinks of you as her hero and is never embarrassed to be seen with her stylish dad. Your still Micaiah's wrestling and math partner. Mckenzie still thinks her daddy is Superman and I still think your the sexiest man alive. On top of that you run a top notch ministry on your spare time.(what spare time)lol

As you go into this weekend know that we love you and we stand with great pride by your side. You are one of the most innovative and creative Pastors we know. Thanks for setting a great example for our girls and for setting the pace for our teens.

We love you.... Well done

1 comment:

Jason Curlee said...

I think your pretty high up there too....Love Ya