Friday, December 07, 2007

What Are Your Actions Saying Part 1

Over the past six months I have learned that actions speak louder than words. I was reading a book today my husband got in the mail called unChristian. This really got me thinking about a lot of things that have gone on.

I have discovered that people always give the politically correct answer or they pick the one that sounds the most spiritual in an effort to make themselves appear super holy. I will admit that I have answered that way before. When someone asked, "How are you?" My answer was, "Oh I'm great," and realistically everything is a mess. My favorite, "it's great to see you", and you know they were secretly hoping you did not see them and they just couldn't get out of the isle in time. Not that I have ever done that.....(LOL) The truth is we give lip service. Yep that is right lip service!!!!!!!

Some us walk around quoting scripture. We can quote from Genesis to Revelation. We have a scripture for every occasion kind of like Hallmark has a card for every occasion. But my question is...can we live it? I have heard it all: I forgive you, we love you, were praying for you, and were showing you grace. All which sound extremely ironic because they are "said" not done. They become empty words when delivered without action.

So here is my point......Don't say the words if you don't mean them and surely don't say them if you can't live them. It is awful to hear and painful to swallow.

I can honestly say if one more Pastor says were here to see you through and then you never hear from them again or we are grace with an attitude then they snub you. I can't take one more bloated slogan or tag line meant to catch your attention when I personally have not felt any of what your offering. I might have to repent for the actions that will follow. (jk)

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