Saturday, December 08, 2007

What Are Your Actions Saying Part 2

As I keep reading through this book unChristian my main thought is: It is no wonder why society is rejecting Christianity.

Truth is, they are not really rejecting Jesus they are rejecting the person who is selling their version of Christianity. Many things have been said about this generation. This generation of mosaics and busters are diverse and extremely unique but most of all I give them credit for one thing. They can see right through us. It is interesting to hear what they think. The remarks and statistics are staggering.

I apologize if I sound upset but their are over 50 million people out their who feel we are not authentic because our words and actions don't line up.

So, here is my challenge. Perception is truth to the person who feels it is or is living the experience. It is not about being right, it is about validating what the person has experienced.

When prophecy was given about the church being a hospital it was not to heal the hurts the church inflicted on it's people it was to heal the lost and hurting beyond the church walls. We have distorted that tremendously.

As Christians we need to let our yes be yes and our no be no. We need to mean what we say and say what we mean. If you truly are a grace giving church then give it, if you're walking in forgiveness then live it, and if you're truly sorry than say it. Am I saying I am there.... no I'm not. What I am saying is I personally have experienced it firsthand and I know how hard it really is.

All I am saying is we need to get it right. We need to change our approach and how we do church. There is a generation out there lost ..........lost to us and the gap is getting bigger. We are losing ground and yet we remain self absorbed and ignorant to what is happening.

This book I am currently reading called unChristian is about "What this generation really thinks about Christianity .......and why it matters."

It really does matter. If I who have been saved for over 14 years feel or have experienced things that no person should have to at a church, what hope do we have of reaching those who have never been to church. How can we reach them when we can't get it right ourselves.

Simply food for thought.

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