Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What Really Matters?

Why is it that people place value on the silliest of things? Where you work? What you drive? Where you live? Like all of these components together are a automatic pass to success and happiness.

It seems like we focus so much of our energy on these things.

It seems like wasted energy. I recently have been bombarded with Anna Nicole information even though I was NOT really interested. It was a tragic incident but none the less there are far more tragic things in the world besides what happened to her? I was frustrated that so many things are wrong in the world and the media chose that event to focus on. I guess it was a reprieve from their bashing of George Bush campaign.

We waste so much of our energy on things that are not eternal that if we focused on the things God has called us to we would make a difference in the lives of those around us. Don't get me wrong success is great and money is great and many times I have found myself wanting to do more but was limited by my budget. What I didn't do though is do nothing because I had nothing to give. I realized I had something. I had time and ideas. I had energy that could be donated to projects that were important to the church.

We have known for years that the Laborers were few. We do not need a prophet or visions to tell us. What we need is ready willing workers who will come along side their pastors and put aside their agendas for the betterment of God's Kingdom.

My daughter for being young has great insight. Her heart aches for the lost children of Darfur. She often says mom the media bashes our President and they cry foul over a war. The war is tragic and it affects all daily. But those men fight for our civil liberties everyday and some give there lives for it and we are saddened by it. But you cannot say that the media has chosen to have a bias focus on that.

The reality is that men are dieing but more children are dieing every day in Africa from aids and starvation. Genocide has been occurring for years and yet we barely hear anything about that. Thousands and thousands of children die everyday and I have yet to see one reporter cover their funeral. Where are the cameras on there deaths and all the tragic events they are enduring everyday while you waste money covering events that don't even measure up in the grand scheme of eternity? If they took the money that they put into cameras, and stories, and traveling for their crews it could feed those children for months maybe even a year. I know their jobs are necessary but their lop sided reporting really gets my goat.

Well you say thats fine and great but I don't live in Africa. Ok than. In our country more children die everyday than men have died in the Iraqi war since it started. They die at the hands of their own abusive parents every year. They die in our cities and in our streets at the hands of violent criminals. Where is the cry of injustice from our Media on those social issues.

If we each decided to make a difference in the lives of those around us I believe we could change the world. Recently I read a story from a family in North Carolina who had a children's African choir at their church. The women spoke on how God told her two of those boys were hers. I remember because she didn't want to hear God at first but knew she had to. Her obedience and her actions resulted in over 30 children being adopted from a orphanage in Africa. Well you might say I can't do that.

Maybe you can't but can you answer a phone, can you make copies, bake goodies, clean restrooms, volunteer to serve your pastor, or better yet volunteer at a ministry. All of those things cost next to nothing and many are free. But yet our people act as if we are asking for their cars or homes. (God can do that too by the way) Is it that much to ask for?

We are given so much and yet we give our energy and our time to things that don't mean much. I do it too. Our kids play sports and we are busy. My husband runs a ministry and that takes time and there are other things. But if we gave God half the energy we give the world we would have to build more churches to fit all the people whose lives would be touched. Your actions can make a difference. What will you do? Will you get in the game of life or will you sit idle and watch the world set the tone? It won't only affect others but will affect your little piece of the world too. Get involved. I bet if you talked with your Pastor you would find out he has so much vision for the city and how to make a impact but simply needs help. I know because as Pastors there is so much we want to do to make our city better, the lives of those we love better, and our schools, oh our schools how they need us. But, we can't do it alone. We are trying but we simply need you to get involved. Don't wait till tomorrow do it today.....

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